Sunday, December 29, 2019

Is The Vaccine Safe - 1300 Words

There is a pandemic that affects up to 90% of people all around the world in their lifetime. (Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals, 2010) This is not diabetes, heart disease or Alzheimer’s but actually is a virus called HPV or Human papillomavirus. There is a way for people to protect themselves from this virus with the HPV vaccine. Many people have questions about this vaccine, like who should get it? Why should people so young be getting something that is known to be transmitted sexually? Is the vaccine safe? Is it effective? Or how does it work to protect against the virus? Other questions that may be asked are of the virus itself, what types of cancers does it cause? How does it work? or who is the most susceptible to this virus?†¦show more content†¦Harold Zur Hausen was eventually awarded a Nobel peace prize. He and his team were also the ones to recognize that type 16 is found in over 50% of all cervical cancer patients. It was also found that over 95% o f all cervical cancer is caused by some form of the virus. (Smith, 2014) The vaccine was originally researched to prevent Papillomavirus in cows but was eventually brought into the human realm of medicine. Professor Ian Frazer and Dr. Jian Zhou were the 1st people to create a vaccine that would protect against HPV called Gardasil. In 2006, the first vaccine to combat this problem was approved by the FDA called Gardasil which protects against strains 6,11,16, and 18. (Gardasil Questions and Answers, 2006) The vaccine works by causing an immune response in the body which creates antibodies against the virus. This immune response occurs because the vaccine is made of proteins from the virus that have been denatured it such a way that they will not cause the infection while still creating an immune response. Any vaccine that is made in this fashion is called a recumbent vaccine because it uses the DNA from the virus itself to create an immune response (Klein, 2014). According to the CDC,Show MoreRelatedVaccines Are Safe And Safe Today1231 Words   |  5 Pagesprevent disease and viruses though vaccines or immunizations. The Idea of Vaccine have bee a major challenged to public health over the last century. But like any type of medication, there are going to be both pros and cons. Recently there has been cause f or concern for vaccination children. The concern steams from the belief if vaccines are safe today. There are also a great number of wonderful aspects to vaccines. The Question today is whether vaccines are safe and if they way they are researchedRead MoreVaccines Are Safe And Effective1361 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction: Vaccines are attributed to saving millions of lives in the United States, yet many parents refuse to protect their child from potentially dangerous diseases. With the accessibility of technology, it is easy to see how the anti-vaccine movement can persuade parents, but many find out the hard way the lack of evidence to support this trend. By understanding the sole purpose and statistical evidence supporting the effectiveness of vaccines, one can conclude our world is a much better placeRead MoreVaccines Are Not Only Safe881 Words   |  4 Pagesthousands of people have shown convincingly that neither vaccines nor any of the ingredients in them are linked to a utism. Vaccines are not only safe, but they are perhaps the greatest public health success in the history of civilization† (Forbes 2015). It is due to the many people who believe they are smarter than science and medical research that we are having the measles and whooping cough scares that are occurring today. Without the use of vaccines many of the diseases that were under control, or completelyRead MoreVaccines Are Not Safe And Donate Children Vaccinated927 Words   |  4 Pagesoccurs. Vaccines can prevent most childhood diseases such as measles, diphtheria, polio, and small pox. There has been much discussion in the news recently over whether or not to vaccinate children. One argument is that vaccines are not safe and contribute to autism. The vast majority of people continue to believe childhood vaccines are safe and choose to have their children vaccinated. If deadly diseases are going to continue to be prevented, it is necessary to have children vaccinated. Vaccines areRead MoreVaccines Are Safe And One Of The Greatest Public Health Developments1789 Words   |  8 PagesHowever, all 50 states issue medical exemptions, 48 issue religious exemptions, and 19 issue philosophical exemptions (â€Å"School Vaccination Requirements,† 2011). Proponents of vaccinations argue that vaccines are safe and one of the greatest public health developments of the 20th century. They state vaccines are saving millions of lives and are preventing illnesses like rubella, diphtheria, smallpox, polio and whooping cough. On the other hand, opponents of vaccinations argue that children’s immune systemsRead MoreThe Safety And Effectiveness Of Vaccines1743 Words   |  7 Pageseffectiveness of vaccines you will see the same claims or statements meant to show why vaccines are absolutely necessary. However, when you take time to look at the claims with logic and common sense, you find they are largely flawed logically. The focal point of this series of article is not to point out all the tobacco science needed to make specific claims about a particular vaccine being safe or effective, or to discuss flaws in the methodology of vaccinations. Most of my articles about vaccines addressRead MoreVaccinations And Its Effects On Children1226 Words   |  5 Pagesillness that could be life threatening or even just uncomfortable. No matter the severity of the sickness there is an importance in the prevention of these diseases. Another intriguing argument for the continued use and importance of vaccines is that â€Å"most childhood vaccines are 90%-99% effective in preventing disease† (AAP). With a 90%-99% success rate it shows that it is so important to receive a vaccination because of the dangers of the diseases. In fact the 90%-99% effectiveness has â€Å"save[ed] 2.5Read MoreVaccinations Should Be Mandated For Everyone1053 Words   |  5 Pagespreventing these diseases. The main point for vaccin es is to prepare a person’s immune system for any possible attack of a disease that comes in the future; a person’s body will be prepared to fight off the disease with the vaccine (â€Å"Basics†). Vaccines have the ability to prevent many cases of these diseases in advanced, but there are people who think vaccines are unnatural and should not be required for their children. It is said that immunity in child vaccines are about 90%-100%, which is an increaseRead MoreVaccination Safety And Necessity Has Been Debated For Years1551 Words   |  7 Pagesdebated for years. Vaccine supporters claim they are completely safe and necessary for everyone. People against vaccines question their safety and feel it should be a personal choice. While some vaccines are for personal safety, others are for the safety of society and should be given to the majority of people to avoid previously eradicated diseases from coming back and killing off thousands, even millions of people. Vaccinations are an asset to our healthcare and help to keep us safe from many deadlyRead MoreThe Importance Of Vaccination1241 Words   |  5 Pageshelp save lives by building immunity to deadly diseases, but people are willing to risk lives just because their political beliefs or religious beliefs or skepticism keeps them from vaccinating their children. To make sure everyone in the community is safe from certain diseases, the government needs to make most vaccinations mandatory for every child. There are already a few state mandates regarding vaccinations needed, such as DTaP, Hepatitis B, MMR, IPV, and Varicella; but these are only needed to

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